Sunday, August 14, 2011

Details Released for UFO [The Movie]

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UFO Try To Remain Calm
By CB Droege
TG Daily

     Hawthorne Productions has announced some pertinent details surrounding UFO, its upcoming sci-fi thriller. It’s certainly not a AAA production, but there are a few names we recognize working on the film.

The cast is lead by Bianca Bree, whom no one probably recognizes, probably because this is her first film under this name. She’s played a few minor characters in other films under the name Bianca Van Varenberg, but still likely nothing one would recognize. That doesn’t mean she’ll be terrible however. Everybody has to start somewhere. Also, she’s Jean Claude Van Damme’s daughter, so there’s that.

Van Damme himself is also in the film, but in a minor role.

The romantic lead is another Hollywood child, Sean Brosnan . . ..

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