Friday, July 02, 2010

". . . Carrion Told Them The Whole Roswell Thing Was Likely a Counterintelligence Operation . . ."

Lone Rider
A lone rider goes over the hills

By Billy Cox
De Void

Billy Cox     The summer edition of the Tampa Bay Skeptics Report features a piece by a guy whose work never would’ve graced its pages a year ago. Titled “Goodbye Ufology, Hello Truth,” by James Carrion, this is the raspberry cheer by the Mutual UFO Network’s erstwhile international director to his former colleagues.

Beginning as it does with Carrion’s aspirations to become more Christ-like, “Goodbye Ufology” seems a weird fit for a publication more committed to humanist rationalism. But once he started ragging on MUFON, that was good enough. He was preaching to the choir.

Carrion, who quit MUFON earlier this year, charges many of its investigators were “discredited, manipulated or ego-driven to delusion” over the decades by “inside sources.” He “began to be more vocal about what I had uncovered, much to the displeasure of those perpetrating the deception.”

When Carrion told them the whole Roswell thing was likely a counterintelligence operation to flush out Red spies, “not only did I encounter a wave of hostility from the ‘believers’ but a backlash of silence, debunking and dismissal by even those ‘unbiased’ researchers who claim not to stoop to such tactics.”

It’s infuriating to be ignored, man. Just ask De Void. It’s so infuriating, Carrion even compared himself to — well, read for yourself:

“Rather than inspire an army of fellow investigators to dig deep in this unexplored area, I felt like Copernicus telling a room full of colleagues how the earth revolved around the sun despite everyone else believing the earth to be the center of the universe.”

He might as well have dialed 1-800-BITE-ME. “Hello? Hellooo?” What torqued him off was the Wave of Hostility and Backlash of Silence that greeted his innocuously titled 2009 paper “New Avenues for UFO Research.” In it, Carrion rediscovers a secret but ultimately unsuccessful WWII bomb program out of New Zealand called Project Seal. The details are too byzantine to get into here, but Carrion contends it evolved into a complex postwar sleight of hand to convince the Soviets that the U.S. had doomsday weapons it really didn’t, and the flying saucer “mythology” was part of the scam. It’s complicated. Just visit the link.

Bottom line: Carrion is now the one-man house band at the Center for UFO Truth, which seeks to prove that UFOs stemmed from “an intelligence operation by the United States and its allies during the Cold War and that intelligence agencies continue to promote the UFO myth for national security reasons.”

“I’m doing something entirely different now,” Carrion tells De Void from his home in Fort Collins, Colo. “From this point forward, it’s going to be a road show. I’ll be visiting archives, talking to Cold War historians, using real data, and real history. No more anonymous sources.”

So Godspeed and farewell in unmasking the true perps. May we all soon pass crow feathers and lead productive lives while there’s still time.

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