
Friday, July 23, 2021

UFOs, Secret Soviet Weapons and Alien Visitors – A Cultural History

UFOs, Secret Soviet Weapons and Alien Visitors – A Cultural History

On June 25, 2021, the U.S. government released a nine–page preliminary report on UFOs, or, as it is now calling them, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAPs. The report is the latest notable event in what has been a renaissance for UFOs in recent years.
     Greg Eghigian is a historian of science at Penn State who has published research and is writing a book on the history of UFOs in the U.S. He spoke to the hosts of The Conversation
Weekly podcast the day before the new report came out to better understand the cultural history of UFOs in the U.S.


... something changed in the 19th century. That’s when you first start to see these reports of people seeing what they say were flying ships overhead. The things people describe back then sound a lot like the things they were familiar with – they literally saw ships and vessels that would normally float on the sea in flight. Some people would see steam-powered ships.

But it’s really not until the summer of 1947 that people began to regularly speak of seeing flying objects that some attributed to extraterrestrials.

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