
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

UFOs: The Trail Is Stale

Ufology is Broken

Seth Shostak By Seth Shostak
The Huffington Post

     One thing that strikes me about claims of alien visitation is that so much of the evidence is musty and fusty.

Every day, I get stories and articles from people around the world who aggregate UFO news. But much of it is not news -- it's olds. The folks who think there's good proof that Earth is a stomping ground for extraterrestrials are still hung up on the Roswell incident of 1947 or its British opposite number, the Rendlesham Forest event of 1980. They're still citing the testimony of aging politicians, defense establishment types and Apollo astronauts who "know something."

The few alternatives to this vintage archive are contemporary photos and videos of vague lights in the sky, low-resolution and low-confidence material that isn't likely to sway many scientists. The good stuff seems to be the old stuff.

To better judge if this is really true, I trawled the web for listings of "the best UFO cases." I quickly collected nearly 100 events that were considered worthy, of which 60 were unique, in the sense of not being repeats [...] .

1 comment :

  1. Makes me sad. So much better technology, and nothing. I've seen these what the Heck?? My family has seen them. Close up. very close. Maybe oh well I just don't know. Frustrated.


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