
Thursday, September 03, 2015

Mysterious 'Alien' Corpse Found in Russia? | VIDEO

Mysterious 'Alien' Corpse Found in Russia

By Jon Austin

      RUSSIAN scientists are said to be baffled by the discovery of a small "alien creature" on the banks of a river near a major nuclear power plant.

Local news reports said the corpse with a "mysterious skull" was found by two residents next to the River Kovashi, on Sunday, in the Russian town of Sosnovy Bor, a town built in 1958 to serve the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant. [...]

1 comment :

  1. Have no idea what that is, head looks kind of fish like to me. But why even insinuate it might be an alien corpse. Seriouisly , if you are looking for those, head out to Peru and check out the enlarged (non headboarded) skulls there. They should have two cranial bones instead of three.


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