
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Google Moon Shows Alien Base, says Scott Waring | VIDEO

Google Moon Shows Alien Base, says Scott Waring

By Rob Waugh
A video unearthed on Google Moon this week appears to show that ET may be lurking closer than we thought - and has made an underground base on the moon.

     A video unearthed on Google Moon this week appears to show that ET may be lurking closer than we thought - and has made an underground base beneath the lunar surface.

UFO enthusiast Scott Waring was exploring the moon with the 3D software, and says, “Along the edges here there is a walled area, which tells us there is a cavity there because the wall is to keep things from falling in," Waring said.

Waring’s sighting is far from unique - his own sightings number more than 200 - and a constant stream from NASA's imagery. . . .

1 comment :

  1. Sorry, not a moon feature, just a google glitch.


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