
Sunday, October 26, 2008

They'rrre Back! UFOs Filmed Over Stephenville . . . Again

UFOs Sighted Over Stephenville Again

      STEPHENVILLE — Over a three-month period this summer there were 1,000 UFO sightings filed with the National UFO Reporting Center.

Some 75 of those UFOs were reported over the state of Texas.

Stephenville is one hot spot we've shown you before.

Now the small town is getting buzzed by UFOs again and we have the video.

"You could see the oval shape. Got my friend, I said 'dude, you got to come look at this,'" said Andy Monrreal.

UFOs Over Stephenville 10-25-08 (C)
Monrreal was hanging out with his Dublin High School friends when they all saw something they say looked like a UFO.

"You could see a shape. It was like a complete circle," said Monrreal.

He rolled off a half minute of video on his mom's digital camera.

His dad saw it too.

"I never seen nothing like that in my life. Big lights and everything," his father said.

So did mom.

"It was a round thing. You could see lights around it, flickering and changing. It was awesome. Just turning and flickering," she said.

Back in January, Erath County went UFO crazy after a handful of people reported similar lights over Stephenville.

International press and UFO hunters descended on the town.

This time, many more eye witnesses are phoning the Stephenville Empire Tribune or the ET.

UFOs Return Over Stephenville 10-25-08 (B)
Reporter Whitney Ashley said many people don't want to talk publicly, like several workers at the paper, who also saw the lights.

"I've got at least 10 right now willing to go on record," Ashley said.

"The sheriff's department got lots of calls in the southern part of Erath County."

Down around Dublin, home of DR Pepper.

The Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth confirms seven F-16s training in the area at the time.

Several witnesses told us they saw the fighters, after they saw the mysterious lights.


  1. Some of this could be closer to the truth than we know! =-)

  2. I have seen flying saucers at close range several times as a military cadet and as a civilian as well. In two cases there were police officers present. Some were in broad daylight in the fall here in the NH White Mountains. I don't waste my time arguing with debunkers and skeptics as the trajectory of cutting edge physics is a view to the future!


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