By Diana Alvarado
CIUDAD MADERO, TAMAULIPAS – Over 18 calls have been received at the office of Civil Defense in recent days as citizens report having seen unidentified flying objects (UFOS) accordint to the director of this agency in Ciudad Madero on the Gulf of Mexico.10-26-08
Roberto Chavez Ortega, Director of Civil Defense, reports that the calls began last Wednesday as several people walked along Playa Miramar, where they claimed to see the UFOS.
”In the past 4 days people have been making calls of this nature, claiming UFO sightings, but we haven’t perceived or seen anything at all. As of Friday, there were 18 calls, but nothing has been confirmed,” he said, adding: “Calls have also been received over the weekend at our offices.”
He added that this is not the first time such a thing has occured in the municipality, which faces the Gulf of Mexico. The majority of these sightings have taken place in the Miramar Beach area, close to an area known as “El Tortuguero”
Reports have been recieved from the municipality of Altamira as well. Some motorists saw “white orbs that moved very quickly” near Avenida de la Industria.
This region of Taumalipas has a urban legend that suggests the existence of an underwater base in the Gulf of mexico, which keeps hurricanes from affecting Tampico, Altamira and Ciudad Madero.
* Source: Diario Hoy Tamaulipas (newspaper)
* (Translation (c) 2008, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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See Also:
Mexico City: UFOs Photographed During Blackout
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