UFOlogists weigh in on human origin debate
By Amy Kingsley
Yes Weekly
Peggy Price, assistant director of the Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, stands in the hallway of the Clarion Hotel, a candy-coated vision in her pink skirt suit and platinum confection hair. She sips water during the break between speakers at an all-day conference Nov. 6 sponsored by the group.By Amy Kingsley
Yes Weekly
“I’ve had ET and UFO experiences since I was a child,” Price says. “When I was in college I switched from medicine to psychology to try to find some answers. Well, there are no answers.”
While she attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, she came home to find two gray-type aliens exploring her apartment. Shocked, she dropped her book bag and the aliens disappeared. Her eyes widen as she conveys the enormity of the experience.
To her right, an older man tries to edge in on the conversation. Some aliens, he says, harvest eggs and sperm to create alien-human hybrids. Price, a network member since 1995, gently reaffirms that her experiences have all been innocuous.
The man might be keyed up from the presentation he just witnessed led by Lloyd Pye, a professorial type with an interest in the star child and other unusual skulls. Those who have never heard of Pye might believe the human origin debate is confined to the theories of evolution, intelligent design and creationism. Not so, says Pye, a strident supporter of intervention theory and challenger of the mainstream scientific paradigm.
A Texas couple gave Pye the star child skull in 2001. The eyes sit closer than a normal skull, the ears farther down. A line extends to the back of the meeting room of people who walk up to a front table to take their picture with a Styrofoam replica. The real skull is awaiting a battery of scientific tests in England.
“We’re never going to be treated with the same kind of respect,” Pye says about his scientific work, “because this is something no one really wants the answer to.”
Instead of emerging from a primordial soup, or the hand of some divine being, Pye proposes that humans originated from some kind of intergalactic science project. Oblivious to the Napoleon Dynamite reference, he presents a liger (combination lion/tiger) as evidence of the power of genetic engineering.
“Science would have you believe that mother nature [created us],” Pye said. “It isn’t natural, it happened in a genetics lab.”
Pye has traveled the world spreading the gospel of intervention theory. He finds a credulous crowd in Greensboro; they hang on his every Power Point bullet.
“Cheetahs are weird,” he says. The tan portion of their coat is composed of dog fur, while the black spots are cat hair, he adds. Scientists have ignored this obvious evidence of prehistoric cloning because they cannot explain it.
MUFON is a dedicated safe space for those who have had extraterrestrial experiences to share their stories without the fear of ridicule. Not all of the participants have had experiences; some are simply curious.
David Boldman would speak after the break about his area of expertise, UFO trace evidence. Angel hair is a spider-webby substance often left when the flying objects leave the site. The former pilot stumbled onto the UFO scene in 1989 when he saw a glowing disc in the distance — something he knew was not an aircraft.
Mainstream scientists have dismissed angel hair as blown spider webs, Boldman says, but there are structural differences. When handled, the substance becomes gelatinous and evaporates into the air, according to some experts. He and his associates have a sample of the substance that is awaiting electron microscope analysis.
“Physically it’s superficially similar to spider web,” Boldman said. “But it has the unusual property of dissolving or disappearing.”
The topic of his lecture today will be more well-known trace evidence of UFO existence, crop circles. Not all of those who research the terrestrial phenomenon believe aliens create them. Boldman himself is ambivalent.
“Of course I don’t dismiss the idea of extraterrestrials,” he said. “I think it would be more ridiculous if there weren’t.”
Inside the meeting room, the attendees queue up to examine the comprehensive guide to aliens and their spaceships mounted on poster board to the right of the entrance. The images vary from childish UFO and alien drawings to sophisticated renderings. The board sports no photographs.
Crowd banter ranges from breathless declarations of faith in aliens to jargon-laced ruminations on the scientific evidence that will finally convince skeptics. The atmosphere is at once heady and relaxed.
“This is not a normal thing I can talk about in everyday conversation,” Price says. “I live a double life. There is the life I have when I am at work, and there is MUFON.”
She adds that the group is open for membership, but in this room filled with believers, recruitment appears to be no hurdle. Like the spaceships that descend from the sky in search of human incubators, extraterrestrial believers will gravitate to MUFON’s abundant acceptance.
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