Friday, May 09, 2014

CNN Suggests Aliens Abducted Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

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CNN Suggests Aliens Abducted Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?


     That sound you just heard, that faint death rattle? That was journalism's last dying breath. Yup, the centuries old craft of reporting news finally kicked the f**king bucket!

And, before you starting pointing any fingers, also us to direct your attention to this:

CNN has been caught red handed.

You know the enigma surrounding the missing Malaysian airplane? Those scruple-free newsmen and women have been milking that mystery for two months, but their 24/7 tragedy coverage might have finally just crossed the line!

In a "scientific" poll they conducted, the cable news network asked fans and followers whether they thought Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was… wait for it… wait for it… abducted by space aliens, time travelers, or perhaps even beings from another dimension!!!

What!? SERIOUSLY! . . .

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