Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Truth Isn't Out There

UFOs Over Richmond
Rebecca Lang
The Hawkesbury Gazette

     THIS UFO footage was purportedly shot over Richmond on July 11, 2006.

It's featured on a website along with a raft of other unidentified flying object footage supposedly shot by people all over Australia who, quite handily, were armed with cameras when the extra terrestrials came a'calling.

In reality, however, these stills – and the rest of the footage featured on the website – is part of a sophisticated hoax funded by taxpayers to the tune of $15,000.

Perth filmmaker Christopher Kenworthy, the man behind the short films and website – which will all be included in a documentary on the 'project' and its impact – prefers the term "immersive artwork" or artistic illusion, and convinced the Australian Film Commission that the website would not mislead people.

The taxpayer-funded project has angered Australia's genuine UFO researchers like Bill Chalker, who has expressed surprise that a Federally-funded body would dole out money for a project that deliberately misled people.

Mr Chalker, an industrial chemist who has authored many UFO books and articles, said the funding aspect was hard to stomach.

More . . .

See Also: Strange Events in Fernvale in 1927


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