Thursday, June 30, 2005

FUGO Balloon Shot Down Over Alturas

Pictures of Japanese Balloon bombs, of FUGO, provided by

"The FUGO or "Windship Weapon" pictured above was shot down over Alturas, California on January 10th, 1945. Although the balloon was filled with hydrogen and carried a bomb, the bullets from the P-38 sent up to do the deed did not cause it to ignite."
     The FUGO or "Windship Weapon" pictured above was shot down over Alturas, California on January 10th, 1945. Although the balloon was filled with hydrogen and carried a bomb, the bullets from the P-38 sent up to do the deed did not cause it to ignite.

Afterwards the balloon was sent to "Moffett Field" repaired, filled with "helium" and underwent testing.(AS seen above) The "Alturas FUGO" was the first balloon at that time to be retrieved intact.

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