"During two weeks in 1975, a string of the nation's supersensitive nuclear missile launch sites and bomber bases were visited by unidentified, low-flying and elusive objects, according to Defense Department reports."
The sightings, made visually and on radar by air and
ground crews and sabotage-alert forces, occurred at installations in
Montana, Michigan and Maine, and led to extensive but unsuccessful Air
Force attempts to track and detain the objects. Air Force and Defense Department records variously describe |
In several instances, after base security had been penetrated, the Air Force sent fighters and airborne command planes aloft to carry on the unsuccessful pursuit. The records do not indicate if the fighters fired on the intruders.
The documents also give no indication that the airspace incursions provoked much more than local command concern.
But a Nov. 11, 1975, directive from the office of the secretary of the Air Force instructed public information staffers to avoid linking the scattered sightings unless specifically asked.
The Defense Department position, cited in that memo and reiterated yesterday by a departmental spokesman, is that formal investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) ended in 1969 and there were no plans for renewed Air Force investigation.
Yet another Air Force intelligence report indicated extensive interest in a 1976 incident over Iran, when two Iranian Air Force F4 Phantoms were scrambled to encounter a brightly lighted object in the skies near Tehran.
The object was tracked by Iranian ground radar, seen independently by the crew of a commercial airliner and pursued by the F4s, which, according to the report, experienced a breakdown of their electronic communications devices when they neared the object.
The report compiled by American officials, said the electronic weapons system of one of the F4s went dead when its pilot prepared to fire an AIM-9 missile at a smaller object that appeared to roar out from the larger vehicle.
The F4s' electronic equipment reportedly became operative after they veered away from the smaller object, which had returned to the larger light, the report said. Iranians described the larger object, with colored, fast-flashing lights, as the size of a Boeing 707.
The information on the 1975 and 1976 sightings records from the Air Force and the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) was turned over to Ground Saucer Watch (GSW), a Phoenix-based organization that monitors UFO reports.
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