
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

UFOs, UAP Deserve Scientific Investigation

UFOs, UAP Deserve Scientific Investigation

UAP are a scientifically interesting problem.
Interdisciplinary teams of scientists should study them

     UFOs have been back in the news because of videos initially leaked, and later confirmed, by the U.S. Navy and officially released by Pentagon that purportedly show "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) in our skies. Speculations about their nature have run the gamut from mundane objects like birds or balloons to visitors from outer space.
By Ravi Kopparapu, Jacob Haqq-Misra


Judging the nature of these objects (and these seem to be “objects,” as confirmed by the Navy) needs a coherent explanation that should accommodate and connect all the facts of the events. And this is where interdisciplinary scientific investigation is needed.

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