
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Angels are Aliens, and are the Cause of Biblical Events, Says Minister

Minister Believes Angels May Have Been Alien Beings - The Arizona Republic 4-22-1989.png


     He [Rev. Barry H. Downing] theorizes that activities of UFO-borne "higher beings" or "angels," likely from another dimension rather than from other planets, are indicated in biblical events ranging from Egypt to Christ's ascension.
By The Arizona Republic

[...] "Usually these beings looked very much like ordinary beings (they almost never have wings). ... Once the 'package' of biblical religion had been delivered, man became responsible for the distribution the contents."

Downing said a hovering, UFO-like "cloud" by day and glowing "pillar of fire" by night guided the Israelites out of Egypt, projecting some force that parted the Red Sea, leading them for years across the desert.

Other events he sees as carried out by UFOs include:

The fire like phenomenon on Mount Sinai in which Moses received the Ten Commandments, the Prophet Elijah taken to heaven in a fiery chariot, the star of Bethlehem, the engulfing light of Jesus' transfiguration, his being "lifted up" at his ascension and the blinding visitation of Paul on the road to Damascus.

"All these were UFO types of reports," Downing said.

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