
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Alabama Witness Describes Silent Object Shining Light Beam to Ground | UFO NEWS

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UFO Shining Spotlight

By Roger March
The examiner

      An Alabama witness at Haleyville reported watching a silent, slow moving object with flashing lights that stopped and hovered over a neighbor's home while shining "a bright beam of white light" to the ground level beginning about 11:37 p.m. on May 21, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness had just stepped outside when the object was first seen as "very bright red and white flashing lights."

"This object was not high enough for a plane and there was no noise except crickets," the witness stated. "It moved slowly and the trees that it passed did not move at all. There was no ring of lights or any other lights on the object as far as I could see."

The object then stopped over a wooded area near a neighbor's home.

"A few seconds after it stopped a bright beam of white light appeared, blinding even though I was about a football field distance from it. This spotlight effect lasted for approximately 15-20 seconds and went off as quickly as it had come on."

As the spotlight went off, the red and white flashing lights returned.

"The object remained hovering for a few seconds and then exited right back the way it came. This is when I really got spooked because I know planes cannot go backwards. . . .

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