
Wednesday, May 09, 2018

No Time for Aliens: How the MoD Tried to Prove No One's Out There

No Time for Aliens: How the MoD Tried to Prove No One's Out There
Report collating a decade of UFO sightings in 1990s was intended to protect ministry from more X-Files inspired requests
     It was 1997, the 50th anniversary of the suspected flying saucer crash at Roswell in New Mexico, and the heyday of the paranormal mystery series The X-Files. The English-speaking world was gripped by UFO-mania. But what seemed a delightful
By Damien Gayle
The Guardian
mystery to some was becoming a headache for the spooks at Britain’s Defence Intelligence Staff.

Analysts at the DI55 office, the department lumbered with the UFO brief, were being peppered with requests from ufologists – and even parliamentary questions – for information on flying saucers, taking up time they felt would be better spent on terrestrial defence matters. So top brass decided to undertake a definitive study of the unit’s collection of reported UFO sightings to establish, once and for all, whether there was anything in them.

1 comment :

  1. This series of responses sounds similar to the 1953 Robertson Panel strategy in dealing with the subject in the USA.


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