Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eerie Video of UFO Captured Over Clunie Wood Being Investigated By British UFO Research Association (BUFORA)

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UFO Hovering Over Clunie Wood (Cropped)

UFO Hovering Over Clunie Wood - November 2012

VIDEO: UFO experts study Pitlochry footage

By Graeme Bletcher
The Courier

     For decades we have been launching objects into space, hoping to make contact with whatever is ''out there''.

But this footage, filmed in Perthshire by a Romanian chef, has sparked an investigation into the unknown.

Adrian Musat (40), from Pitlochry, captured an eerie white light seemingly floating in nearby Clunie Wood, the morning after Bonfire Night.

After bringing the home movie to The Courier offices in Dundee, a copy has been passed to the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) for verification.

Mr Musat first spotted the bright object at around 7.30am from the window of his home in Walker Court and it appeared for a second time at around 5.30pm that evening, this time emitting a pulsating light. . . .

1 comment :

  1. The "object" shape is a result of the lens opening from the zoom...seen in many other videos.


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